We care about your Privacy and as such we are 100% transparent!

In an age where digital shopping is often what we use and trust most, it is important to provide the best experience a shopper can have. This often requires the collection of relevant content regarding you as a shopper. Who needs to see ads and emails for products you care nothing about? Nothing can be more annoying and time wasting. With that in mind, we have tapped trustworthy partners to work with you behind the scenes. They may collect non-personal information, like your IP address, device ID, shopping behavior, and information about your browser or operating system, but they give back a personalized shopping experience that truly caters to your wants and needs. Your email, IP address, device ID, shopping behavior, and information about your browser or operating system or others identifiers may be shared with them, but it is always done in such a way that not a single human is seeing or reading this information, which provides the utmost security for your information. Once our partners have this basic information, they may combine it with other friendly sources to get a complete picture of you as a shopper.

Additionally, we utilize the Criteo-Service to advertise us on our site and on third party websites to our previous visitors. These advertisements are displayed using the information that is stored in cookies, which Criteo places on your computer. Cookies are small text files used to store a small record that includes information on your visit of our website. Specifically, what products you viewed and showed interest in. This is done to offer specific product recommendations when visiting our site or third party sites. But don’t worry, the cookie uses a random alias for Criteo to recognize you, which means the information cannot be connected to you personally. We or Criteo do NOT and will NOT connect this alias with your personal data and will not disclose any of your personal data to any third party.

Safe Shopping Guarantee

Never worry about the safety of your credit card/debit card when shopping with us. Our Safe Shopping Guarantee protects you while you shop so you can truly focus on getting the right product for you.

We guarantee that every transaction you make will be safe. If an unauthorized charge is made to your card as a result of shopping you pay nothing. Period.


The Home Security Superstore uses cookies to help keep track of items you put into your shopping cart including when you have abandoned your cart and this information is used to determine when to send cart reminder messages via SMS.